Welding Fume Reference Material
The health of welders is at risk through exposure by inhalation
to toxic metals and metalloids. Occupational hygienists need to
determine the effectiveness of measures taken to control workers'
exposure, and this is generally achieved by making personal
airborne exposure measurements, the accuracy of which relies
heavily upon the availability and use of validated measurement
methods. Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectrometry
(ICP-AES) and, more recently, Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) are
multi-element techniques of choice in many analytical laboratories
for the determination of toxic metals on filters collected from
workplace air. Over the years, standard analytical methods have
been developed by national agencies such as HSE, NIOSH and OSHA
promulgating the use of such techniques. More recently, drawing
heavily upon procedures set out in such national standards, ISO
standards have now been codified such as ISO 15202 (analysis using
ICP-AES) and ISO 30011 (analysis using ICP-MS).
The Problem
An inherent difficulty with analysis using ICP techniques is
that typically a sample dissolution step is required. The
efficiency of this step is often the dominant step in determining
the overall analytical accuracy in the laboratory. Where available,
matrix-matched reference materials, of known composition, can be
used to assess analytical recoveries.
The Solution
HSE has now developed two bulk welding fume materials to assist
in checking this digestion step. These two reference materials have
been certified using protocols set out in ISO Guide 35 with
analytical support from partner national laboratories employing
validated dissolution procedures described in methods such as NIOSH
7300, OSHA 125G and ISO 15202-2.

Product Overview
Reference material MSWF-1 is a fume derived from the laser
welding of galvanised mild steel components and is certified for
major components such as the Fe, Mn and Zn content. Reference
material SSWF-1 is a fume derived from the laser welding of
stainless steel components and is certified for major components
such as the Cr, Fe, Mn and Ni content. Accompanying these materials
will be a certificate of analysis. Indicative elemental values
for minor components are reported in the associated certification
A more detailed certification report detailing the product
certification process can be found below.
Material Safety data Sheets for the two materials can be
downloaded here.
The two materials will be available as a set consisting of a 1 g
sample of each fume type. Each bottle will provide ca. 100 test
portions at the recommended 10 mg sample aliquot size, sufficient
for method setup studies and for routine method recovery
Product Benefit
For the first time, matrix-matched welding fume reference
materials, of known composition, are now available in bulk for
laboratories to assess the performance of the key sample
dissolution step.
Materials will be despatched within 2 weeks of receipt of order.
For product enquiries:
Please call +44 (0) 203 028 3705
For technical enquires:
Please contact Owen Butler on + 44 (0) 203 028
2138 or owen.butler@hse.gov.uk
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