Land Use Planning Pre-application Advice
HSE as a statutory consultee, provides land use
planning advice to planning authorities on proposed
developments on sites which lie near to a major hazard site or a
major accident hazard pipeline. The details outlined below are part
of the new arrangements developed for delivering HSE's contribution
to the planning system. Further explanation of these changes can be
found on HSE's
Business users can be provided with pre-application advice using
HSE's land use planning policy on such developments, and depending
upon the level of advice which is proposed they may be charged for
this service.

If you are considering developing a site which lies close to a
major hazard, you can be provided with information about the
consultation distances and zones which apply, so that you can tell
if HSE would be consulted over a planning application. If you are
interested in developing a site which does lie within a
consultation distance and you would like more information as to
what advice HSE would provide on your proposals, this can be
provided as a charged service.
Please note:
Land Use Planning Pre-application advice is now available
through HSE's
Planning Advice Web App.
Should you require further information about how to use this
service please call +44 (0)203 028 3708 or e-mail
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