UK Biomonitoring Network
Following a successful meeting (see below), organised by IGHRC
and the RSC Toxicology group in January 2019, feedback suggested
that an informal network, facilitated by a website and an email
list, would be beneficial.
In analytical chemistry, biomonitoring is the measurement of the
body burden of toxic chemical compounds, elements, or their
metabolites, in biological substances. Often, these measurements
are done in blood and urine. Biomonitoring can be applied to
humans (workers or members of the general population) or wildlife
(mammals, birds (including eggs), fish, invertebrates).
Here is the start of a web page - if you would like to suggest
content, please contact Kate

22 January 2019, London, United Kingdom
An awareness day, aimed at bringing together scientists,
risk assessors, risk managers and policy makers with and without
experience in the use of BM/BEM with an interest in understanding
its current and future use for assessing the use and control of
chemical substances for humans and the environment. Presentations
are available at the link above.
If you are interested in joining our email list, please sign up
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