Laboratory Animal Allergens
Laboratory animal allergens (LAA) are recognised by HSE as a
significant cause of occupational allergic disease in the UK.
Consistently ranked amongst the top causes of occupational asthma,
these allergens are susceptible to becoming airborne and
contaminating surfaces or clothes leading to sensitisation of
individuals and allergic symptoms.
- Rat
- Mouse
- Rabbit
- Guinea Pig
- Hamsters
- Ferrets
Our laboratory animal allergen service provides immunoassay
methods for the analysis of rat and mouse urinary protein (Rat n1
and Mus m1), with internal quality controls and supporting data for
all our recommended guidelines for transportation and storage.
Currently, we can also provide guinea pig albumin upon request,
with a major urinary guinea pig allergen assay currently under
development. All of the above can be tested on a single filter or
wipe sample allowing our clients to minimise the sampling
Exposure monitoring can be performed as static air, personal air
- providing information about specific task-related exposures - or
surface wipe samples. Sampling kits can be ordered online. Analysis for
rat, mouse and/or rabbit can also be ordered online.
Limits of detection are appropriate for all sampling times even
short term (10-15 minute sampling times) where the detection limit
for MUP & RUP are approximately 1-2 nanograms per cubic meter
(ng/m3) when sampling at 2 litres per minute (2
HSE also offer interpretation on LAA results to our clients,
based on the distribution of the extensive cumulative, anonymised
data for atmospheric and surface monitoring. These data have been
Results are reported securely and confidentially solely to the
customer within the agreed timeframe.
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