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IPDI (e.g. spray paint)

This sample kit is for workers using isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI). If you are uncertain, we can check safety data sheets for you. Relevant CAS numbers on safety data sheets include 4098-71-9.

This isocyanate is commonly found in two-pack spray paints.

HSE recommends annual testing of spray painters in the motor vehicle repair industry using isocyanate-based paints.  Further information on testing can be found on our isocyanates page.

Please note that a minimum of 10mL urine is required for this test. Do not send samples with less than this volume rather re-sample at another time.

Due to the fast elimination of IPDI exposure, urine samples should be collected within an hour of the end of exposure.

There can be confounding from isophorone diamine (an important curing agent for epoxy resin systems) so please check for any co-exposure if elevated results are found.

Product Code: PE11684

Price: £66.00 (VAT free)

HDI and TDIMbOCA only

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