CRD: Live Online Training Event - Surface Water Exposure via Drainflow under Plant Protection Products regimes in GB and NI
Live Online
This half-day live online training event will focus on
environmental exposure of surface waters via drainflow. It will
present attendees with an overview of drainflow, and the associated
environmental fate assessments required to meet regulatory
requirements in GB and NI, along with ecotoxicological
consideration of situations where levels of exceedance need further
consideration at higher tiers. Key issues that applicants
must consider when preparing active substance or product
submissions will also be highlighted.
The event will comprise a mixture of presentations and live run
throughs of models using worked examples covering active
substances, metabolites, mixed active products, the introduction of
updated and upcoming changes and conclude with an open question and
answer session.
The training will be delivered by experienced HSE regulatory
specialists and will help attendees improve the quality of their
submissions and understand how these will be reviewed by the GB
The course will cover:
- Introduction to drainflow
- Key endpoints - the EFSA conclusion and GB Competent Authority
conclusion, data gaps and critical areas of concern
- First tier drainflow - step-by-step guide with worked examples
and an introduction to a future update of the tool
- Higher tier drainflow - a guide to using the HSE tool with
worked examples and an introduction to future updates of the
- Presentation of higher tier modelling results and introduction
to ecotoxicology criteria
- Ecotoxicological consideration of situations where exceedances
are being predicted at higher tier
- The use of the risk envelope approach
- Mixed active products
- Common problems with applications
Download the programme for the day
Who should attend?
This course will be specifically designed for those with at
least a basic working knowledge of environmental fate and behaviour
and/or ecotoxicology who want to develop their expertise in this
specific area further.
Live Online Course Information
All you will need is an internet-connected computer, laptop or
tablet, plus a webcam and microphone. We do not recommend using a
smartphone. Before you book, please check that you meet the Zoom
System Requirements and run a diagnostic test to ensure the
software is compatible with your firewall settings. If this does
not work, try adjusting your settings or contact your IT department
about permitting the website.
The cost of this course is £365 (plus VAT) per person.
Please note that all courses must be paid for via credit
card at the time of booking.
Some of our training courses can also be delivered
in-company, please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Telephone: +44 (0)203 028 3704
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