Group of Occupational Respiratory Disease Specialists (GORDS)

The Group of Occupational Respiratory Disease Specialists (or
GORDS) is a UK network of around 15 consultant respiratory
physicians, established by the Health and Safety
Executive (HSE). Each member is either employed by the NHS or a
university, and has both clinical and research interests in
occupational asthma and other occupational lung diseases.
GORDS was established in 2001 to provide a readily accessible
specialist knowledge base in the field of occupational respiratory
disease and has a primary remit of providing direction to HSE
policy and input to and critical review of research undertaken for
HSE in the field of occupational respiratory disease.
The GORDS group currently has representation from a number of
specialist occupational respiratory centres located across the UK,
including in Aberdeen, Birmingham, Liverpool, London, Manchester,
Newcastle, Nottingham and Sheffield.
Occupational Lung Disease Centres - Contact Information
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