Keith Birkitt
Principal Materials Engineer

Keith is a Principal Materials Scientist with HSE's
Science Division working on forensic materials-related incident
investigations. He has over 23 years' experience of incident
investigations and is a welding specialist.
The range of investigations Keith undertakes includes;
wire ropes, bolts, lifting equipment, work at height equipment,
failed welds, pipework and pressure vessels, involving a wide range
of failure mechanisms. His work encompasses all the common
engineering metals and alloys, polymers and composites. Keith has
fabrication experience, ranging from sheet metal to pressure
vessels and heavy engineering. Keith has knowledge and experience
of cast irons, carbon steels, low alloy steels, stainless steels,
nickel alloys, copper alloys, aluminium alloys and
Part of Keith's role includes providing training and technical
support to Inspectors, which can involve auditing and research. He
conducts products assessments for conformance to European and
Industry standards. His work has informed safety alerts, product
recalls, issues of national concern, and provided evidence in
Research Interests
- Materials related hydrogen safety
- Corrosion
- Welding Technology
- Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
- Work at Height Safety
Previous Projects
- Investigation into a Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC)
Failure of an Onshore Pipeline - Hazards31 Conference 2021
- Fatigue initiated by poor quality welding of wheel sets from a
rollercoaster ride
- Galvanic corrosion of a mobile crane access ladder
- Structural steelwork collapse of a five storey building caused
by welding and fabrication errors, which contributed to a SCOSS
Safety Alert
- Circumferential joggle butt welds failures of hydro-tested
carbon steel LPG vessels
- Examination of 10 tonne axle stands following a sudden
- Assessment of welds from aluminium road tankers. An issue of
national concern
Notable Achievements
- BSc (Hons) Metallurgy
- MSc Welding Technology
- Chartered Engineer, CEng
- Member of the Welding Institute, MWeldI. European and
International Welding Engineer
- Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and
Mining, FIMMM
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