Gemma Howard
Research Scientist
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Gemma is a research scientist here at the Health and Safety
Executive. She mainly focuses on projects relating to upcoming
renewable energy sources including the use of lithium-ion batteries
for electrical vehicles. This work involves subjecting batteries to
different abuse tests to gain a better understanding of their
failure mechanisms, contributing to safer designs for
She has developed a new test rig allowing batteries to be
subjected to mechanical failure inside a pressure vessel,
increasing test capability, and is currently working on a new
project, MultHyFuel, to understand the potential consequences of a
hydrogen dispenser failure within a petrol station.
Research Interests
- Lithium-ion Batteries
- Hydrogen as a future fuel source
Previous Projects
- LIBRIS: UK-wide lithium-ion battery safety project working with
a consortium who share a similar interest
- OPSS: Project to understand the behaviour of potentially unsafe
batteries which may by purchased by the public for vaping
Notable Achievements
- Presenter at the Hazards 31 conference focusing on her latest
research into the failure mechanism of pouch cells
- Working towards writing her first paper on pouch cell failure
mechanisms for publication
- PFdSc in Bioscience as part of Level 5 Apprenticeship with
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