Chris Keen
Principal Occupational Hygienist

Chris is a Principal Occupational Hygienist within the
Occupational Hygiene team. The team conduct intelligence
gathering to identify risk management benchmarks in support of HSE
interventions and the production of technical guidance.
Previously, Chris has been involved in the creation and delivery
of a range of occupational hygiene related training courses, and
through HSE's commercial work has provided Health Risk Management
consultancy to high profile global stakeholders.
Chris has worked across a range of industries, from chemicals
manufacture through to manufacturing, construction and agriculture.
She regularly presents on Health Risk Management topics to external
audiences, and is currently president-elect of the British
Occupational Hygiene Society, where she works at executive level to
improve professional standards and broaden the reach and impact of
the occupational hygiene profession.
Research Interests
- Health Risk Management
- Hazardous Substance
- Exposure Monitoring
- Hazardous Substance Control
Previous Projects
- Exposure to hexavalent chromium, nickel and cadmium compounds
in the electroplating industry
- Dust and bioaerosol exposure at municipal waste handling
- Exposure to substances hazardous to health in foundries
- Developing the evidence base to reduce lung disease from
exposure to respirable crystalline silica
- Enhancing occupational health risk management at Heathrow
Airport engineering department (externally funded)
- The PROTECT COVID-19 National Core Study on
transmission and environment
Notable Achievements
- Chartered Occupational Hygienist from 2010
- Co-chair of British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS)
- Breathe Freely in Construction campaign 2018- 2021
- Elected to BOHS Board of Trustees 2019
- President-elect of BOHS 2021
- President of BOHS 2022
- Joint recipient of the BOHS Peter Isaac award in 2021 for 'an
outstanding initiative that has contributed to the reduction of ill
health at work' for work on the HSE Covid PPE taskforce
- Presenter of a number of high profile events including the HSE
Health Lungs Summit, The Health and Safety Expo and the Health and
Wellbeing at Work Conference
Further Information
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